How to cancel my subscription - on my Android device
To cancel a subscription purchased on an Android device, follow the steps below:
- On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store.
- Check if you’re signed in to the correct Google Account (your premium credentials).
- Click your email icon at the top right corner of the screen.
- Tap "Payment & Subscriptions"
- Tap "Subscriptions"
- Select the subscription you want to cancel.
- Tap "Cancel subscription".
- Follow the instructions.
For more information visit Google Play's Website.
If you encounter any issues and require assistance, email with a copy of your receipt.
The above info does not work on my Android phone. I keep being sent to a page that freezes and does nothing
Please cancel my subscription in your office
I have been working on this for 2 days
I have been waiting for 7 days and got no results
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